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At over 9,000ft of elevation, Main Drain Cave claims its home high in the Alpine Karst Glacier basin of Tony Grove, Utah.  The cave is over 1,200ft deep with a jungle gym of rope work that traverses through fissure cracks, large pits, and belays around 34 degree waterfalls before reaching over a half mile of large canyon and breakdown passage at the bottom of the cave.  Up until recently, the cave has stopped continued exploration with a boss hog of a sump blocking the passage.  Cavers must pay the fee of admission in compressed air and enviromentally sealed diving gear with specialized training, just to be granted access through the crystal clear sump.  This cave does not mess around, one wrong move and anyone would be accelerated down the hypothermia rollar coaster and get hyped out within a golden hour. What the divers found beyond the sump has fascinated cavers throughout the United states.

Click HERE to learn more about the dive in Main Drain Cave.

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